BargainB App Mascot

We are on a mission to simplify savings


We are on a
mission to
simplify savings

BargainB App Mascot
At BargainB, we believe in a world where everyone can save money and live within their means without sacrificing their quality of life. We provide an easy-to-use app that simplifies finding the best grocery deals and helps customers save money. Our company is built on the values of transparency, sharing, simplicity, thriftiness, and value. We are passionate about helping our customers save money and live better lives.

Our Vision and Mission

Our vision is to create a world where everyone can save money and live within their means without sacrificing their quality of life.
At BargainB, our mission is to provide an easy-to-use app that simplifies finding the best grocery deals and helps customers save money.
We want to help our customers stretch their budget further and make smarter shopping decisions.

Our Values

At BargainB, we are guided by our core values of transparency, sharing, simplicity, thriftiness, and value. We believe in being transparent with our customers about how we operate and how we can help them save money.
We encourage sharing deals and discounts with others, which creates a positive social experience. We value simplicity and thriftiness, which are essential to our brand. And we always strive to provide the best value to our customers.
Bargainb Personality

Our Personality

Community Oriented
At BargainB, our brand personality is practical, frugal, and always seeking out the best deals. We prioritize efficiency and simplicity in our choices, and we believe that thriftiness and practicality should take priority over luxury and extravagance.

We value sharing deals and discounts with others and view it as an essential part of our brand. We are a practical, community-oriented brand focused on financial success through savings and efficiency.

Meet The BargainB App Team

Committed to helping you save money
At BargainB, our team is committed to helping you save money and live within your means. We are a diverse group of individuals who are passionate about finding the best deals and making smart shopping decisions.
We encourage sharing deals and discounts with others, which creates a positive social experience. We value simplicity and thriftiness, which are essential to our brand. And we always strive to provide the best value to our customers.
 Team Member 6

Ahmed OsamaDeveloper

Bargainb App Team Member 5

Dina TairovicDesigner

Bargainb App Team Member 4

Simge SezairGraphic designer

 Team Member 3

Anna MalakhovaUX/UI designer

Bargainb App Team Member 1

Hamed DaabiesDeveloper

Firas Developer

Asya MusallamSEO Specialist

Mohanad AliMarketing Director

Alexander NoletCreative Development

Nurettin GuzelQA Tester

Toma AnyoushiDeveloper

Contact Us

We value your feedback and are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about BargainB. Our dedicated support team is ready to help you make the most of your bargain shopping experience.
Whether you need assistance with navigating the app, finding the best deals, or have suggestions for improving our services, we’re just a message away.

Find the best deals
With BargainB’s
Smart assistant

Available on both IOS & Android

Find the best deals With BargainB’s Smart assistant

Available on both IOS & Android